This magazine in particular has the logo blocked of to everything else which makes it stand out because its bright red. The writing is structured around the models body. The black and blue contrast against the white background, this front cover includes quite a few various headlines and features. The artists name is only a tiny bit smaller than the 'SPIN' logo which shows that the artist is the main focus of the magazine.
This Contents page also includes the logo, the artist is also wearing the same outfit as she is on the front which isn't very common for magazines to do as they usually try to fit as many different outfits as they can into the magazine. The features work around the artists body just like the front cover. The layout is in a way like the other magazines i have analysed because they columns are just in a different format. The image used has a very dark prominent shadow which photographers normally try to avoid, but this simple shadow has a lot of affect and adds simple detail to make the image come alive and look more 3D.
As i could not find a double page spread for duffy in this magazine, i have taken the same magazine with a different artist therefore i can analyse the layout and colours used.
The Logo is still included on this page just in a different way, the red from the logo is used again in the banner of the page. The writing is all set out in columns which makes it clear to see the different pieces of information instead of it being all in one big paragraph. There is one main image and other small less important images that are used.The main image will be about the attraction feature and the others will be smaller headline articles.
A decent analysis of Spin, but I would like to see better use of terminology and an awareness of the types of features these magazine include. Check comments on the next 2 magazines for more advice. Remember that the analsysis of the 3 magazines forms a large part of your R&P mark - I believe you should improve yours in order to secure a high level.